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Give your Infant a Nutritious Start with Baby Formula from Sears

In a perfect world, the doctor would send you home from the hospital with a manual that tells you exactly which baby formula your infant needs and which ones are likely to upset his or her little tummy. You receive plenty of baby feeding accessories at the hospital but, unfortunately, no instruction manual. Sometimes finding the right baby formula can be a trial-and-error process. You're going to want plenty of options, and Sears can provide you with a plethora of infant formula choices.

A good rule of thumb with baby formula, before you decide anything, is to check first with your doctor. As you probably already know, breastfeeding is best for a newborn baby, but if you decide to go with formula, your doctor will most likely suggest a cow's milk-, or lactose-, based formula first. That's the most common kind of formula and a good place for your baby to start. Sears carries a variety of milk-based formulas from familiar and top-rated baby formula brands.

Most infants will do just fine with milk-based formulas. But some have sensitive tummies, so if you notice fussiness or frequent spitting-up after your baby eats, ask your doctor if it's time to try something else in the baby bottle. For fussy tummies, doctors will recommend infant formulas specifically designed to calm the digestive tract and sensitive tummies. Sears' selection of formulas for fussy infant tummies is exactly what you and your newborn may need.

In very rare cases, your baby may have reactions to formulas that are much worse than simple gassiness, fussiness or spitting up. If you notice rashes, diarrhea, coughing and sneezing or failure to gain weight, your infant may have lactose intolerance or a milk-protein allergy. In these rare cases, your doctor will recommend switching to a soy-based formula or hypoallergenic formula. Sears has you covered there with products targeted for these intolerances, so your little one can get the same nourishment. These products are designed to side-step allergies while still providing proper nutrition.

The first few months are the most formative in a newborn's life. It's when big milestones happen. Grasping, rolling, crawling; those are important moments and they can be affected by the baby formula you choose. True, there's no baby manual with all the secrets. But with the help of your doctor and Sears' selection of baby formulas, you can at least find the answer to one very important question: What infant formula does my newborn need? Once you figure that out, it's on to the baby cups and tableware. Get everything you need for your baby's feeding and nutrition, whether it's baby formula or baby tableware at Sears today.