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Support Automobiles Steadily with Car Lifts and Jacks from Sears

No matter how strong you are, you're likely to encounter automobiles that can't be lifted by hand. When it's time to raise a car or engine off the ground, make use of a jack or hoist to get the job done.

When your car is on a hard surface like a garage floor, a hydraulic floor jack is the perfect option for getting it off the ground. These jacks make it easy to raise even big automobiles with just a few pumps of the handle. Household floor jacks are quite inexpensive. Those who need to raise cars on a regular basis may want to invest in a commercial floor jack for its ability to handle extra abuse.

Once the car has been jacked up, put Craftsman jack stands underneath for proper safety. Choose the set that is rated for the weight of the vehicle they'll be holding up. Unlike jacks, these stands are made to hold weight for a prolonged period. They offer essential security for those working underneath suspended vehicles as well as provide a way to keep more than one wheel in the air at the same time.

When you need to lift the engine instead of the entire car, an engine crane makes the job possible. These cranes can be hooked to engines and other pieces of heavy equipment to suspend them in the air or allow them to be moved to the workbench. Low outstretched legs allow these cranes to be moved right over the car's hood for easy access to engine lifting points. The hydraulic lifting mechanism allows objects to be raised and lowered with just a few strokes. The availability of various lifting capacities makes it easy to get the crane that will meet your needs.